Photo: Boštjan Lah Speckles the Ball 3+ Jan Malík / Restaging of the performance from 1994, directed by Tine Varl and using puppets by Anton Jezovšek / 45 min
The Seamstress and the Scissors Photo: Boštjan Lah The Seamstress and the Scissors 3+ Dragotin Kette / 35 min
Photo: Boštjan Lah Dragica the Witch 3+ Metka Damjan, Aja Kobe and Svetlana Patafta based on motifs from the picture book by Marijana Jelić / Co-producer Theatre Puna kuća, Zagreb / 35 min
Snow Queen Photo: Boštjan Lah Snow Queen 5+ Tin Grabnar and Nina Šorak based on motifs by Hans Christian Andersen / 55 min
Photo: Boštjan Lah The Emperor's New Clothes 6+ The creators of the performance based on motifs by H. C. Andersen / Co-producer Rijeka City Puppet Theatre / 45 min
The Trial or the Woeful Story of Josef K. Photo: Boštjan Lah The Trial or The Woeful Story of Joseph K. 15+ Partially based on motifs from the novel The Trial by Franz Kafka / 60 min