Crumbs from Mouse Valley 2+
Anja Štefan
Tiny mice have their own perspective of this big world. By playing (with words), they grasp the world that surrounds them, brighter and less bright sides of this world. The playfulness and rhythm of the poems, which present virtues such as sincerity and beauty to the youngest, will be staged as a puppet show.
For the collection of poems Crumbs from Mouse Valley, Anja Štefan received the Award Večernica for best Slovenian youth literature awarded by the newspaper Večer.
On tour
Crew and cast
Directress Nika Bezeljak
Visual designer (inspired by illustrations by Alenka Sottler) Ajda Sitar
Performers Danilo Trstenjak, Gregor Prah in Eva Stražar k. g. /Elena Volpi
Composer Laura Zafred
Set designer Nika Zuljan
Costume designers Mojca Bernjak and Ajda Sitar
Speech advisor Metka Damjan
Scene-stage master and extra Svetlana Maloić
Musicians Laura Zafred, Matic Smolnikar, Rok Felicjan, Aleš Zorec, Marko Brdnik and Katarina Kozjek
Technical sound designer Marko Jakopanec
Costume manufacturer Mojca Bernjak
Puppet makers and puppet technologists Mojca Bernjak, Aleksander Andželović, Darka Erdelji, Ajda Sitar, Daša Filipovski and Miljenko Knezoci
Scene technologists and set and props makers Lucijan Jošt, Urban Saletinger and Branko Caserman
Lighting designer Miljenko Knezoci
Sound designer Mitja Pastirk
Premiere — 18. February 2021