The Boy Who Became a Hedgehog  3+

Based on Slovene Folk Tale / 45 min

The story of The Boy Who Became A Hedgehog would be nothing more than an ordinary story about an ordinary boy living an ordinary boyish life, if one fine day that boy had not changed into a hedgehog. Although many people might not believe it, the life of a hedgehog is anything but simple and lovely. It is difficult enough getting out of bed, not to mention crossing a street or hugging a friend. The hedgehog’s menu would not thrill any children either: only apples and pears, and on Sundays perhaps the odd worm as dessert. But this is a performance about an otherwise ordinary boy-hedgehog, who one foggy morning decides that he will never despair and that, instead of apples, he will rather look for his lucky star.


21 Feb / Fri
17.00 / Great hall
22 Feb / Sat
10.00 / Great hall


The Boy Who Became a Hedgehog  <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
The Boy Who Became a Hedgehog Photo: Boštjan Lah
The Boy Who Became a Hedgehog  <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
The Boy Who Became a Hedgehog Photo: Boštjan Lah
The Boy Who Became a Hedgehog  <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
The Boy Who Became a Hedgehog Photo: Boštjan Lah
The Boy Who Became a Hedgehog  <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
The Boy Who Became a Hedgehog Photo: Boštjan Lah
The Boy Who Became a Hedgehog  <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
The Boy Who Became a Hedgehog Photo: Boštjan Lah
The Boy Who Became a Hedgehog  <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
The Boy Who Became a Hedgehog Photo: Boštjan Lah
The Boy Who Became a Hedgehog  <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
The Boy Who Became a Hedgehog Photo: Boštjan Lah
The Boy Who Became a Hedgehog  <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
The Boy Who Became a Hedgehog Photo: Boštjan Lah
The Boy Who Became a Hedgehog  <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
The Boy Who Became a Hedgehog Photo: Boštjan Lah

Crew and cast

Directress Margrit Gysin

Actress Elena Volpi

Visual designer Zuzana Vítková and team

Dramaturge Irene Beeli ​​​​​​​

Premiere — 14. April 2012

Responses and Rewards

  • Award to Eleni Volpi for acting and animation, 7th biennial of puppet artists of Slovenia 2013.
  • Award to Elena Volpi for an innovative approach to creating puppets and puppet narratives, Golden Stick 2013.
  • GRAND PRIX for the best performance, Virvar Festival, Košice, Slovakia 2017.
  • Children's jury award for the best performance, Virvar Festival, Košice, Slovakia 2017.

On tour abroad

10. October 2024
Festival Trallallero, Udine, Italy