The Cricket and the Ant 3+

Saša Eržen

The performance The Cricket and the Ant is based on the motifs of Aesop’s fable and retains all its qualities.

The story is told by three characters: the carefree cricket, the hard-working ant and the cheerful tree. The diversity of the characters creates a lively and multi-layered narrative about the relationships between animals and other living things, which is of course an allegory of human relationships.

A special feature - and thus the performance’s added value - is the marionette puppets on more than three-metre-long strings, animated from a marionette bridge.

Playfully, supported by picturesque puppets and music, the performance takes the audience through all four seasons and their characteristics and beauty. At the same time, the performance unobtrusively points out the importance of maintaining sincere relationships and mutual help.


17 Jan / Fri
17.00 / Great hall
18 Jan / Sat
10.00 / Great hall


The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant
The Cricket and the Ant

Crew and cast

Director and Author of music Marjan Nečak

The author of the visual Barbara Stupica

Actors Metka Jurc, Elena Volpi and Urša Kavčič

Dramaturge Tanja Lužar

Proofreader Metka Damjan

The author of the video Lena Kocutar

Assistant to the author of the visual Mojca Bernjak

Puppet technologist Mitja Ritmanič

Doll makers Barbara Stupica, Mojca Bernjak, Mitja Ritmanič, Aleksander Andželović and Darka Erdelji

Stage technologists and stage makers Lucijan Jošt, Branko Caserman and Zlatko Mešić

Stage master Svetlana Maloić

Lighting designer and video master Gregor Dvornik

Sound designer Jure Auguštiner

Excerpts from Antonio Vivaldi's Four Seasons concerts are used in the performance.

Premiere — November 2023