Is it over yet? 15+

Ariel Doron / Co-production with Moment, Maribor

The Training Ground project addresses and includes teenagers or the growing generation on the threshold of a new world and a new reality. Research shows that Millennials do not feel involved or addressed in political and social decision-making processes. The form of social activation, participation and presence is primarily online, and part of social networks is incognito led by capital: with algorithms, it additionally forms consumer needs and strengthens already existing individual opinions.

Meetings, which are mandatory at least during school hours, are moving back to the virtual space in the light of distance education. Despite all the innovativeness of such integration, spatial and even time limitlessness of such association, it seems that theatre must persevere in finding the potential of living presence, physical and real engagement of the living body, thought and contact. In the environment that the performance will create, it hopes to bring the performance space to the space of sociological experimentation. How does the audience observe itself, how does the audience perceive itself as a group, how can the audience become aware of itself beyond the observer role, and how can the audience react - here and in the world?


Is it over yet? <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
Is it over yet? Photo: Boštjan Lah
Is it over yet? <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
Is it over yet? Photo: Boštjan Lah
Is it over yet? <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
Is it over yet? Photo: Boštjan Lah
Is it over yet? <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
Is it over yet? Photo: Boštjan Lah
Is it over yet? <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
Is it over yet? Photo: Boštjan Lah
Is it over yet? <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
Is it over yet? Photo: Boštjan Lah
Is it over yet? <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
Is it over yet? Photo: Boštjan Lah
Is it over yet? <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
Is it over yet? Photo: Boštjan Lah
Is it over yet? <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
Is it over yet? Photo: Boštjan Lah
Is it over yet? <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
Is it over yet? Photo: Boštjan Lah
Is it over yet? <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
Is it over yet? Photo: Boštjan Lah
Is it over yet? <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
Is it over yet? Photo: Boštjan Lah
Is it over yet? <em>Photo: Boštjan Lah</em>
Is it over yet? Photo: Boštjan Lah

Crew and cast

Authors of the concept Ariel Doron, Maša Radi Buh, Nika Bezeljak

Authors and performers Miha Bezeljak, Uroš Kaurin, Gregor Prah

Director Nika Bezeljak

Dramaturge Maša Radi Buh

Visual designer and technician Monika Pocrnjić

Lighting and space designer Andrej Firm

Sound designer Gašper Torkar

Lighting designer Gašper Bohinec

Language editor Metka Damjan

Photographer Boštjan Lah

Premiere — November 2022