?why 5+
Tomáš Jarkovský and Jakub Vašíček / 55 min
A puppet fairy tale for especially curious children, who want to know why the sea is blue, where the worm has its head, why we do not have time, what a rainbow is, why are girls and boys different, why time passes, when will it be "then", why we are mortal, where water goes, where the wind comes from, and why is a question a question, but it is also for their curious parents, who have ever fewer answers and they themselves ask ever more questions.
Crew and cast
Director Jakub Vašíček
Visual designer Tereza Venclová
Performers Miha Bezeljak, Maksimiljan Dajčman, Aja Kobe, Elena Volpi and Anže Zevnik
Dramaturge Tomáš Jarkovský
Composer Ondřej Müller
Translator Elena Volpi
Speech advisor Metka Damjan
Lighting technician Jason Smith
Sound technician Marko Jakopanec
Puppet technologist Slavko Rakuša Slavinec
Video Kamil Bělohlávek
Stage manager Svetlana Maloić
Puppet makers Mateja Arhar, Darka Erdelji, Slavko Rakuša Slavinec and Maja Švagelj
Set makers Slavko Rakuša Slavinec and Branko Caserman
Costume manufacturer Maja Švagelj
Premiere — 3. March 2011
On tour abroad
23. June 2012
XVIII. Theatre European Regions Festival, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
14. November 2011
Gorizia, Italy