The Ice-Blue Peter
Gyula Urban
Crew and cast
Director Tine Varl
Author of the concepts of the puppets Breda Varl
Author of the concepts of the set Bogdan Čobal
Performers Marija Stonič, Breda Varl, Karla Godič, Vida Čagran, Oto Pastirk, Ivo Sovič, Mirko Černic and Bojan Čebulj
Translator Jan Baukart
Composer Boris Rošker
Lyrics writer Marjan Belina
Puppet makers Breda Varl, Stana Korošec, Milka Klepej and Mirko Černic
Set maker Bogdan Čobal
Lighting designer Ivo Sovič
Technical directors Mirko Černic and Ivo Sovič
Premiere — 29. December 1974