Platnomer – A Horse's Tale 6+
Based on motifs from the short story Kholstomer: The Story of a Horse by Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy / Co-producers Bufeto Institute, Cankarjev Dom Ljubljana and Association Celinka / 45 min
The main character of Tolstoy’s short story Kholstomer is a horse. A horse, as one of the first domesticated animals, played an important role in human society – it is a symbol of vital power, lust, elegance, travel, passage to the afterlife ... But in this work, Tolstoy places the horse on the margins of society – whether human or equine.
As an observer from the margins of society, the horse can really share his observations, life experiences and discoveries. In the short story, Tolstoy deals with always exciting topics: the meaning of life and life’s fulfilment, the coexistence between man and nature, the comparison of the meaningfulness of human and animal aspirations. Platnomer - the main character - tries to understand the world around him, and has his own opinion of people and life, as well as his destiny. Because he has
spots on wrong places, human society labels him as different, as inferior, as a thing. Neither its noble origins nor abilities count … the human society is not ready to overlook the wrong spots. Its coloration excludes it from society and hit stays on the margins of society forever.
Elements of puppet animation, drama theater and circus arts intertwine in the performance.

Crew and cast
Authors of the concept and adaptation Ravil Sultanov and Darka Erdelji
Authors of the script Nataša Sultanova and Klavdija Zupan
Visual designer Darka Erdelji
Director Ivan Peternelj
Performers Ravil Sultanov, Nataša Sultanova / Elena Volpi and Žiga Golob / Vanja Dizdarević
Dramaturge and producer Klavdija Zupan
Speech advisors Metka Damjan and Tatjana Stanič
Composer and arranger Vanja Dizdarević
Stage movement designer Nataša Sultanova
Costume designer Mojca Bernjak
Puppet designers Darka Erdelji and Miha Türk
Set production Branko Caserman, Lucijan Jošt and Primož Mihevc
Premiere at Cankarjev dom Ljubljana, 13th March 2017
Premiere — 19. October 2017
On tour abroad
23. June 2019
Hradec Králové, Czech Republic