How Porcupines Ripen 5+
Peter Svetina / 40 min
Helge actually does not know when porcupines ripen … But when he falls off a cherry tree, he lands in a series of unusual and odd events. Together with him, we explore the nonsensical world of adorable animals.
The performance is based on this picture book How porcupines ripen. The picture book won the Award Večernica for best Slovenian youth literature. The performance was staged as a puppet show, in which we all, performers and audience, play with words, meanings, toys, and puppets ...
Crew and cast
Director Bojan Labovič
Visual designer Damijan Stepančič
Performers Uroš Kaurin, Dunja Zupanec and Danilo Trstenjak
Composer Vasko Atanasovski
Dramaturge Zala Dobovšek
Speech advisor Metka Damjan
Sound desiger Mitja Pastirk
Lighting designer Urban Kolarič
Puppet technologist Primož Mihevc
Puppet and props makers Darka Erdelji, Mojca Bernjak and Primož Mihevc
Costume designer and manufacturer Mojca Bernjak
Set makers Lucijan Jošt and Igor Vidovič
Premiere — 22. September 2018
On tour abroad
4. March 2020
Gorizia, Italy