Happy Days 15+
Irena Varga, Darka Erdelji and Mojca Simonič / Co-producer Slovene National Theatre Maribor
In Happy Days, a woman in her late middle ages immerses deeper and deeper into herself. Continuous talking and recalling of memories accompany the disappearance. With the idea that someone is listening to her these words keep her alive and make her happy. Items that she keeps in her bag, remind her of events in the past; objects bear stories, love stories carry happiness. Her husband is a silent presence, but that it is sufficient. If someone is listening to her, it namely means that she is not alone; as long as she speaks it is not too late for happy days.
Crew and cast
Directresses and authors of the concept Irena Varga, Darka Erdelji and Mojca Simonič
Performers Irena Varga and Mojca Simonič
Dramaturge Mojca Simonič
Set designer Darka Erdelji
Costume designer Maja Švagelj
Composer Nana Forte
Video Matej Modrinjak
Lighting designer Jason M. Smith
Speech advisor Janez Bostič
Premiere — 9. September 2011