Foggy Dog 3+
Borut Gombač / Co-producer Bufeto Institute / 30 min
This poetic text, honored with an award for an original puppetry performance idea at a competition held by the LGM in early 2013, takes place on a road junction. The traffic light dictate the mood and direct the steps of passers-by and drivers-by alike. They each carry their fears, needs, prejudices, weaknesses, and wisdoms. In the fog, they can't see the colors of the lights and can't find their way. A cute doggy, made from the fabric of dreams, leads them on paths of unveiling and weaving stronger bonds. The performance upscales its poetry into a melancholy-cheerful clownish carneval, all tied together with stop motion animation. The circusesque coloring of the room and images passes from playful fantasy to the very real. The objects, video, and people in their mutual encounters reveal new insights. Or: Never underestimate others.
Crew and cast
Director Ravil Sultanov
Pefromers Maksimiljan Dajčman (Voznik tovornjaka), Aja Kobe (Sivolasa starka in Psiček), Tilen Kožamelj (Lišpavi mladenič), Anže Zevnik (Policist), Miha Bezeljak (Glas songov o barvah), Matej Sajko Modrinjak (Odrski mojster Borut) in Jackie (Konj)
Asisstant directress Nataša Sultanova
Visual designer Barbara Bulatović
Video and animation Barbara Bulatović and Matej Sajko Modrinjak
Composer Davor Herceg
Speech advisor Metka Damjan
Lighting designer Ravil Sultanov
Sound designer Mitja Pastirk
Assistant sound designer Marko Jakopanec
Puppet technologists, set makers and costume manufacturers Primož Mihevc, Darka Erdelji, Mojca Bernjak, Branko Caserman and Lucijan Jošt
Premiere — 27. November 2014