We have a blanket, lights, socks ... and we will play theatre: with vivid colours and with music. And where are the little socks? They are gone! Socks are disappearing! We take them off when we dangle our feet, we take them off when we eat, we take them off when we sleep, we take them off and our grandma smells them and says: eww! We take them off so that our feet are barefoot ... Sometimes socks take off by themselves, they simply disappear ... Who knows where and who knows when.Therefore, we solemnly promise that in this performance, at this socks friends conference, we will set up an asylum for all the socks that have no pair. An odd pair of socks symbolize the World Down Syndrome Day. Do not leave socks behind! We will build a real sock sculpture and thus create a safe space for everyone ... We all want to feel safe, we all want to belong, we all want to understand that everybody is dif
Crew and cast
Author of the concept and director Mila Čuljak
Author of visual design, set and costume designer Mejra Mujičić
Composer Adam Semijalac
Performers Alex Đaković, Damir Orlić and David Petrović