Wanderers are invited to walk the path along the Drava River, this time equipped with headphones and mobile app. The wander becomes a multimedia performance and a sound walk, which the spectator takes on a pre-delineated path. Wanderers are children and adults, families, who with help of sound images, imprinted into the location of the delineated path, traverse between fictive and real situations. The unique sound experience connects us with our environment in a new way and reminds us why it is so important to walk.
The programme is available in Slovene, English and German language.You will be able to wander from the beginning of our festival. The premiere with the authors will be on Tuesday, August 27th, at 17:00.
Crew and cast
Author of the concept, the text and the path Irena Pivka
Composer, author of the sound creation and sound map Brane Zorman
Proofreader for Slovene language Metka Damjan
Author of the illustrated map Darka Erdelji
Translators Urban Belina (English) and Urška Černe (German)
Recorded by Marko Jakopanec
Slovene Metka Jurc, Danilo Trstenjak, Jonas Jerman
English Marko Jakopanec, Amy Bordon, Daša Solomon
German Uroš Kaurin, Katarina Klančnik Kocutar, Ana Hlebič