Via Matti / Street of Fools 12+
Moment / 45 min
What lies on my mind? What gets on my nerves and why?
It is the original project on the border between drama and performance, puppets and objects, macro and micro theatre, reality and illusion, sobriety and madness.
The project is for young people and adults. The inspiration for the performance comes from the madness of real life, from a place with a street named Via Matti, where crazy people used to live. The local winemaker supplied them with wine, which encouraged them to chase each other and run up and down the street. The rest of the residents leaned on the windows and enjoyed the show. With this inspiration, the performance invites into a storm of synaptic connections of the protagonist, who has a lot of things on his mind. The things that would be necessary to change so that his head would not explode.
In collaboration with the Cultural and Artistic Association Moment.
Moment at the Summer Puppet Pier continues to celebrate live art live and to seek the connection between neighbours, friends, strangers. Together, at events that bring us closer.