The Little Owl on a Stick 3+
Children’s cabaret The Little Owl on a Stick presents revived protagonists as puppets and a collection of lyrics by one of the most popular Slovenian authors for children set to music. Accompanied by roguish, presumptuous, greedy, spoiled, lying, shortsighted animals, that are in love, we get to know life dilemmas and solutions. In the performance, children learn about various instruments: violin, guitar, ukulele, bass, clarinet, drums, xylophone, rainstick, ceramic bass, cymbals, ceramic
bird whistle, Jew’s harp ... Children can test some of the instruments after the show.
Premiere 10th October 2015
Duration of performance 40 minutes
Crew and cast
Directress Nika Bezeljak
Art directress Nina Šulin
Music Svetlana Makarovič
Arrangements Laura Zafred, Matic Smolnikar, Žiga Fabbro, Aleš Zorec
Actors Laura Zafred, Miha Bezeljak, Matic Smolnikar, Aleš Zorec, Rok Felicijan