The Happy Little House 3+
Rijeka City Puppet Theatre, Croatia / 35 min
The story The Happy Little House is based on a true story about the founding of the first library and reading room in a small village of Kuti. This puppet performance is about probably the smallest library in Croatia that was established on the initiative of the villagers themselves. The performance speaks to children about the importance of humanity, work and perseverance, in short, about the qualities that always bear fruit. The Happy Little House is a symbol of this little, on the other hand very big, library which in the past delighted the villagers, and now brings children closer to the rich world of books, to stories that are hidden in books, and emphasises the importance of reading culture.
The performance was created in collaboration with the project Rijeka 2020 – European Capital of Culture.
Crew and cast
Authors of dramatisation (based on motifs from the picture book by Karmen Delač Petković and Dijana Arbanas) Ivana Đula and Milica Sinkauz
Director Morana Dolenc
Dramaturge Ivana Đula
Set and puppet designer Luči Vidanović
Composer Sandi Bratonja
Performer Zlatko Vicić