Martin Krpan 7+
A Wild Puppet Adventure
Fran Levstik / Ljubljana Puppet Theatre / 50 min
The text for the wild puppet adventure Martin Krpan is based on the tale by Fran Levstik, published in the Slovenski glasnik (Slovene Herald) magazine 160 years ago. Throughout its history the famous story about a courageous, strong, clever, simple and modest hero lived to see many reprints, adaptations, illustrations, radio plays, theatre adaptations, and even an animated cartoon film. Levstik was well aware of the fact that the then mostly illiterate Slovenian people needed a simple story about a peasant hero, a story which they could understand and identify with. However, when conceiving his tale, Levstik succeeded not to fall into unambiguous writing.
Martin Krpan, with its salt-smuggling mare, dazzling imperial life of the Vienna court, the nonchalant cutting down of the beautiful court linden tree, and wild duels, offers a wonderful starting point for a puppet show. Traditional hand puppets are used. The story takes place on a classic hand puppet stage, a castelet.
Crew and cast
Director Tin Grabnar
Adaptation Ana Duša, Tin Grabnar, Brina Klampfer
Art designer Špela Trobec
Dramaturge Brina Klampfer
Speech advisor Metka Damjan
Set designers Tin Grabnar, Špela Trobec
Costume designer Sara Smrajc Žnidarčič
Lighting designer Igor Remeta
Songs (text) and rehearsal coach Ana Duša
Composer Marjan Stanić
Songs (music) Mitja Vrhovnik Smrekar
Stage manager and sound designer Erik Krkač
Actors Maja Kunšič, Martina Maurič Lazar, Zala Ana Štiglic, Marjan Stanić (guest appearance)